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Discover Syntonic Light
Therapy in Wisconsin

Discover the healing power of light with syntonic therapy at New Horizons Vision Therapy Center. This innovative treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to improve visual comfort, enhance visual processing, and restore balance to the visual system. Syntonic therapy offers a non-invasive, holistic approach to visual health, ideal for addressing a range of conditions from eye strain and headaches to more complex visual dysfunctions.

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Home » Eye Care Services » Syntonic Light Therapy

What is Syntonic Therapy?

Syntonic therapy, also known as syntonics or optometric phototherapy, is a form of visual therapy that uses specific wavelengths of light to treat various visual disorders and improve overall visual health. This therapy is based on the principle that different light colors can affect the nervous and visual systems differently, influencing physical and emotional well-being.

The therapy involves exposing the eyes to specific light colors through specialized filters or lamps for prescribed periods. These wavelengths are selected based on an individual's specific visual needs and the conditions being treated. The therapy aims to balance the autonomic nervous system, which a variety of visual dysfunctions, stress, or trauma can disrupt.

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Common Visual Disorders It Can Address

The conditions that syntonic therapy can address include:

  • Strabismus (crossed eyes)
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Eye strain
  • Headaches
  • Reduced visual field size
  • Difficulties with visual processing.

It's often used as part of a comprehensive vision therapy program and can result in improvements in eye alignment, focusing, eye movement control, and binocular vision (the ability to use both eyes together effectively).

New Horizons Vision Therapy Center's Personalized Syntonic Treatments

Every person's vision journey is unique. That's why we don't rely on a one-size-fits-all approach to syntonic therapy. We offer:

  • Comprehensive Assessment: We evaluate your visual skills, eye coordination, and brain processing to tailor a treatment for your needs.
  • Customized Therapy Sessions: We utilize different colored light frequencies and treatment durations to target your vision challenges and maximize results.
  • Gentle and Comfortable Experience: Syntonic therapy is a painless and relaxing experience, with sessions typically lasting around 20 minutes.
  • Holistic Approach to Vision Care: We combine syntonic therapy with other vision therapy techniques and recommendations to ensure optimal results and long-term vision health.
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Embrace a Brighter Future
with Syntonic Therapy

Ready to explore how syntonic therapy can enhance your visual health and comfort? Contact us to schedule a consultation and let us develop a personalized therapy plan tailored to your specific needs. Take the first step toward a brighter, more vibrant visual experience.